Metal Solution Provider (hereinafter "MSP") keeps personal information of customers in order to provide various legal services.
As an office of nationally qualified legal professionals, MSP strives to protect personal information and provide customers with greater reliability and peace of mind. MSP will
comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and ensure the appropriate handling of personal information.
1. Acquisition of personal information
MSP will acquire personal information fairly and without using false or other illegal means.
2. Use of Personal Information
MSP uses personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes.
If personal information is to be used for purposes not specified below, the consent of the individual will be obtained in advance.
(1) To respond to requests for quotes and inquiries and to send materials
(2) To ship ordered products
(3) To provide information on seminars and various products and services
3.Safe management of personal information
MSP will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information it handles and to manage such information safely.
4. Entrustment of personal information
When MSP entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party, MSP will conduct a rigorous investigation of the third party and provide necessary and appropriate supervision to the third party to ensure the safe management of the entrusted personal information.
In addition, MSP may entrust the handling of personal information to a third party when carrying out business in collaboration with the third party for consulting, privacy mark application, or ISMS application.
5. Provision of personal information to third parties
Except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act, MSP will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual.
6. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
MSP will promptly disclose personal information if the individual requests it.
If the individual cannot be identified, the request will not be accepted. If
there is an error in the personal information and the individual requests a correction, addition, or deletion, MSP will investigate and promptly respond to the request. If
the individual cannot be identified, the request will not be accepted. If you
have any of the above requests or inquiries regarding MSP's handling of personal information, please contact us at the address below .
Contact: Metal Solution Provider
Telephone: 03-6667-5772 Business hours: 9:00 - 18:00
7. Organization and Structure
MSP appoints Hironari Fujimoto as the person responsible for managing personal information, and will implement appropriate management of personal information and continuous improvement.
8. Changes to this Policy
The contents of this policy may be subject to change. The revised policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this website, unless otherwise specified by MSP.
Last revision date: 2009.9.31
Representative name: Representative Director Naotake Hinohara
Manager name: Manager Hironari Fujimoto